A Planned Natural Turned Epidural Birth at Memorial Hermann Hospital in the Med Center

This first-time mom contacted me about capturing their birth story early in their pregnancy knowing that they would want this special moment captured. They had plans to go through labor naturally, without any pain medications.

As I arrived at the hospital, Mom was doing an excellent job of handling the surges as she progressed through her labor. However, after many hours, she was realizing that the exhaustion was setting in and made the decision to get the epidural to allow herself to rest before it was time to push.

Mom received the epidural and was able to sleep for a bit before her body naturally relaxed and opened to allow baby to come down. It was time to push and welcome their sweet girl.

Pushing deemed to be easy for this first-time mom and sweet Cynthia Quinn was placed into her arms. I just love the moments right after the baby is born. A mixture of relief, joy and love are all shown on Mom’s faces. It is truly a miraculous moment to witness.

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