A Fast Unmedicated Birth with Midwives at Texas Children’s Pavilion for Women

This being their third birth, they knew things could go one way or the other. Either labor was going to be progressively faster than the last to, or we were going to experience the all too familiar “Wild Card” birth that a lot of 3rd babies bring. There first baby was born in 8.5 hours from start to finish and their second was born in 4.5 hours.

As we neared her due date, our communication picked up as I wanted to make sure I was called at the first signs of labor. The day came when I got a quick text from her husband at 10:46 am that it looked like things were getting started. Within twenty minutes, things were moving quickly and the decision was made to head to the hospital.

After getting situated in her room, the midwives tenderly guided and aided her through the final phase of labor. She was near the end and had the freedom to move and change positions to help bring baby down even further. At last her body was ready and at 2:11 pm, sweet Dash was placed into Mom’s arms.

It was such an honor capturing the beautiful moments of the older boys meeting their baby brother for the first time. They were instantly smitten.

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