A First-Time Home Birth with Midwife Jaymee Boughton
This sweet Mom knew from the beginning how her birth would look. They were pregnant with their rainbow baby and were excited to capture their family growing. After attending their home visit with one of the midwives, we went over her birth plan and got familiar with their birth space. We would soon be getting the call to meet Miss Mia.
After days of prodromal labor, on an early Sunday morning, I got the text that her water had broken upon waking up for the morning. We would indeed be having a baby soon. Contractions slowly got into pattern throuhgout the rest of the day and by evening, Jaymee came by to check on Mom and Baby. By 8:30 pm she was 90% effaced and 3 cm.
A little before midnight, I got the call to join them since contractions were getting closer and more intense. I arrived around 12:45 am and watched as she labored beautifully and patiently. Occasionally one of her pups would check on her and give her peace and strength. Into the wee hours of the morning, her body was telling her that she needed rest before pushing. Her contractions spaced out and we had her lay down to sleep. The midwife, doula and I curled up on the couch to sleep as well, only waking every 15-20 minutes to the midwife’s alarm to go listen to baby and check on mom. She slept through the surges as her body opened for baby.
By sunbreak, it was time to get Mom up and moving again. Upon waking, her contractions increased and we got her back into the birth pool. We all quietly watched as she breathed her baby down and into her hands. Jaymee giving just subtle help to make sure there was not a cord in the way. Mia was here, and safe and beautiful.
Baby was handed to Dad and he did skin to skin while mom showered, giving the pups the opportunity to meet their new tiny human. Such a peaceful birth for these first-time parents.

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This sweet Mom knew from the beginning how her birth would look. They were pregnant with their rainbow baby and were excited to capture their family growing. After attending their home visit with one of the midwives, we went over her birth plan and got familiar with their birth space.
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A beautiful home birth film with midwives and family surrounding.